Award Winning Author | Transpersonal Psychologist | Complementary Health Care Consultant | Ordained Minister | 908-295-1361 | Contact
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DUE TO THE CARONAVIRUS PANDEMIC ALL IN PERSON EVENTS WILL BE RESCHEDULED in the meantime, join Janet for the following events online via Zoom:
original ink & watercolor © Janet Piedilato
Dreams of Communication: Sourcing the Afterlife through Dreams...
With Dr. Janet Piedilato
In our separate bodies we harbor the illusion that we are the body, alone, isolated, separated from all other beings, especially from those who have passed away. We yearn to see their faces. We grieve to feel their hugs. We feel loss and separation. We are blinded by Athena’s gift of the Trojan Horse, that towering physical beauty that radiated with the light of the sun yet carried truth hidden within from perceptual sight! We fail to understand that we carry within ourselves, the ability to feel the connection with all being, and that includes those who physically are absent yet whose divine spark of soul is beyond physical limitations for it is eternal. How do we connect? How do we see messages that come in dreams, understanding them as messages from our loved ones? How do we “incubate” a dream wish, and more importantly, how do we understand the meaning of the dream that manifests.
Dreams come and we do not understand them. Are they nonsense or are they messages? They are rarely a list of familiar details but rather they are riddles, mysterious like the words of the Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi. Together let us explore the amazing world of communication dreams….
No prior dream work experience is needed. Participants are asked to bring dreams for discussion. Examples will be explored and studied to shed light on what is hidden deep beneath the perceived dream imagery and story.
For individuals with needs to investigate more deeply the troubling nature of repeating, disturbing, or perplexing personal dreams, private dream therapy sessions are available through inquires. Sessions may be set over the internet: Zoom, Facetime, What’s App, as well as phone.
May 10, Sunday, 1- 3 on Zoom Fee $25.
The Dream Gate of Horn
Every night we open our eyes to the world of dream
We wake and wonder…..what do the dreams tell us?
Sleep, blessed sleep. We put our heads down, closing our eyes seeking the peaceful restorative quiet, the blissful state of sleep. Our thoughts still and we drift into an alternate world of dreams. Through the Gate of Horn we travel to distant landscapes meeting often strange and perplexing experiences. Sometimes we revisit the very same places over and again during our nightly adventures. Sometimes our visits are strangely seductive, powerfully calling us to hear an unspoken message. Yet how do be begin to understand? Are dreams pure fantasy or something else, something more mystical and important? Do the dreams have a message? How can we understand?
Come and approach the Gate of Horn, the gate of transition into the realm of truth. Come and investigate the amazing world of dreams, exploring their reality and message.
June 13, 2020, 9am-4pm Eastern
Original ink and water color print© by J. Piedilato
The Imaginal Gate of Tarot
A question spoken, Cards laid out in a row, breath held
What do we see?
What meaning do we glean from the cards that fall?
Who is not intrigued by a set of tarot cards and its mysterious manner of revealing the hidden? Centuries of humanity and thousands of tarot cards have entertained our ancestors during the best and worst of times. Why? Why do we go to the cards? And how might we begin to understand their seductive nature? Do they tell us of the future or do they perhaps help us to source answers from the depths of our own personal psyche? Come….let us explore together. The Mystery and magic of a special kind of tarot….one that investigates the images that look up at us from the cards. Let us explore the Mystical Dream Tarot and its unique connection to our own personal depths.
July 11, 2020, 9am-4pm Eastern
Original ink and water color print© by J. Piedilato
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